Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Commonwealth 6/7

All too often today, a woman’s career success is at risk because of discriminatory gender stereotypes. This is particularly the case in career paths that have been traditionally male and remains true even in many of the most well-intentioned organizations. This session makes clear that women don’t need to act more like men to succeed. They do, however, need to be attuned to gender stereotypes, anticipate the biases these stereotypes foster, and manage the impressions they make to avoid or overcome them. Andie provides a frank assessment of the reality of gender bias in the workplace and offer a series of sensible, practical, and effective techniques to help women break through bias and achieve the career success they desire and deserve.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how to avoid or overcome discriminatory gender biases
  2. Learn to strengthen and display the key attitudes necessary for career success
  3. Learn how to promote yourself, your talents, and achievements without triggering stereotype backlash