Transitioning from Within: Success Stories and Pitfalls

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
San Diego A

The financial planning world is changing, and succession plans need to change with it. Talented planners have many career options that have not been available previously. While for some the next right move is to start their own firm, others want the opportunity to join a firm and become an owner of an established business. For potential G2 owners, the biggest question is if they have found the right firm, and what that right firm and ownership path looks like. With a panel that includes a background of success stories and pitfalls, participants will discover how they can begin to plot out their career path in a way that aligns with their goals. For those who are looking to become partners of their firms, and for firm owners looking to expand ownership, participants will discover how they can work with the team to create a succession plan that helps all parties win.

Learning Objectives

  1. Consider your desired outcome for your career path
  2. Establish specific criteria for vetting firms for potential ownership
  3. Develop a plan to facilitate ownership transfer to future generations