Adding Housing Wealth to a Retirement Plan

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Temecula 2-4

Retirement planning has traditionally excluded housing wealth, however, for many clients, this can represent 50% or more of their net worth. And with higher inflation rates and volatile investment markets, more advisors are now taking a fresh look at reverse mortgages. With income-tax free proceeds, and no required monthly payment, the reverse mortgage can be an effective option to supplement an income bucket or other retirement planning strategies. This presentation will include an overview of how the program works and case studies of using it to manage household cash flow by eliminating an existing mortgage payment, supplementing an asset distribution strategy, or providing gap-funding to delay social security or other pension distributions. This session will also review how a reverse mortgage can be a safety net for long-term care risks, to pay the taxes on Roth Conversions, and provide capital for gifting or other legacy objectives.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Evaluate if home equity with a reverse mortgage can help safeguard a retirement income plan
  2. Identify opportunities where legacies can be enhanced by including a reverse mortgage in a comprehensive retirement plan
  3. Share conceptually how a reverse mortgage can be introduced to your clients

This session is sponsored by Finance of America Reverse.