2017 Fall Conference

Dates: October 18-21, 2017
Location: Omni Orlando Resort at Championsgate
The world has changed a lot in the past year, with more changes most likely in the offing. The United States, in particular, may be dealing with tax reform, healthcare reform and other regulatory modifications that will affect how you help your clients plan for their financial futures and meet financial goals. Now more than ever, financial planners must keep up with a changing world and a changing profession.
Join us in Orlando this October for a conference with a history of innovative, forward-looking educational programs, designed to help you stay on the cutting edge of the financial planning profession.
This year’s keynote speakers:
- Sarah Newcomb, behavioral economist for Morningstar
- John Sileo, award-winning author and leading expert on cyber security
- Franc D’Ambrosio, performing artist and “World’s Longest Running Phantom”
- Doug Lipp, distinguished international consultant and former head of training at Disney University
On Wednesday, October 18th, don’t miss out on the optional learning opportunities, including:
- Bob Keebler’s workshop on Tax Planning with IRAs
- Interactive Ethics Training by Dan Candura
Conference topics are substantive and thought-provoking, and include:
- Reverse Mortgage: A Home Equity Loan Designed for Retirement
- Thinking Differently about Diversification
- Managing Clients with Diminished Capacity
- Annuities – The Truths and Myths about Guaranteed Income
- New Best Practices for Managing Life Insurance as an Asset
- Retirement Plan Distribution
- Evaluating and Selecting CCRCs
- How to be a More Effective Negotiator
- Planning at Cliff of Capacity
- Tax Planning for the Self-Employed
- Healthcare Reform
Get important updates on risk management, tax and estate planning, practice management, technology, marketing and more!
Connect with product & service providers who have tools, technology solutions and resources that will help you perform your job even better!
Interested in exhibiting? Learn more about how you can align your business with NAPFA financial advisors, contact Ric Haines - 732.920.4236
Dates to Remember:
- September 8 - Advanced Registration Deadline
- September 19 - Deadline for hotel group deadline
Conference Fees:
By September 8: NAPFA Member = $895 / Non-NAPFA Member = $1,095
After September 8: NAPFA Member = $1,095 / Non-Member = $1, 395
NAPFA Conference Registration Deals and Promotions!
NAPFA members can save!
- Never attended a NAPFA conference? Save $100 on your already-reduced member registration rate.
- Save $100 by referring a non-member who registers for the event.
- Firms: Send three or more employees and attendees #3 and up with each receive a $100 discount.
Not a member yet? Here's how you can save!
- If you've never attended a NAPFA conference, you're eligible to receive a $100 discount of the registration fee.
Please contct Dianna Leja or Robin Gemeinhardt to find out about eligibility and to obtain promotional codes.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing by September 20th. A refund of the conference fee, minus a $100 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations received by that date. No refunds will be granted for requests received after September 20th, 2017. Submit all requests to Robin Gemeinhardt at gemeinhardtr@napfa.org. NAPFA regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows.
CFP approval pending for those sessions listed in the program agenda.

National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
NAPFA is an IRS approved sponsor for Enrolled Agents