New Perspectives for a New "Age"

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cherokee Triangle

The Phoenix Gang will gather at 11:30 AM for lunch at Neighborhood Services at the Omni Hotel for networking, followed by the workshop at 1:00 PM. The workshop will consist of four stimulating sessions, each 50 minutes in length, with short breaks in between.  The workshop will end at 5:00 PM followed by a group dinner at 6:00 PM at the Spaghetti Factory which is a nearby historic building.

My 'Legacy IRA' rollover to a charitable gift annuity: How you can use this new tax-advantaged opportunity to achieve charitable and retirement goals, Kathleen Rehl
The SECURE 2.0 legislation passed at the end of 2022 affords three potential benefits with the new Legacy IRA. 

Estate Planning 102:  Honoring your Values, Peggy Cabaniss, Mary Malgoire and Nancy Nelson
This panel of three retired NAPFA members will share their personal experiences with questions like: How much to leave to family (is there such a thing as too much?) vs. causes that are consistent with our Values? Should the plan rule from the grave? What if my Values aren’t in sync with those of my family? How open should I be about my plans?  Each of the three panel members has made different choices, and all continue to refine their plans. We know there will be a lot of wisdom in the room, so lots of time will be left for group discussion and input.

The Red Flags of Aging, Bill Prewitt
As seniors age (that’s everyone else but us!), it's important to be aware of potential "red flags" that may indicate a need for attention or assistance.  Given what we’ve already experienced with our parents and are starting to experience ourselves, this should be a lively discussion. Bill Prewitt will explore ten areas where common red flags pop up.

Interacting with ChatGPT!, Bill Prewitt
We’ll jump into Artificial Intelligence using ChatGPT. You’ll learn how to access it, set up a ‘chat’, and see the results. Bring a topic of your choosing and be astounded by the results.

The Phoenix Gang includes NAPFA members who have retired from active practice, those on a retirement glide path, and those wanting to become familiar with issues of this demographic.  All NAPFA members are welcome to attend at no charge.