Our M&A Journey: Finding the Right Strategic Partner

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

You are running a successful business, busy serving clients, and trying to grow your firm. But how focused are you on maximizing the future value of your business? Gain perspective from two NAPFA veterans who recently completed a strategic partnership with an acquiring firm. Participants will hear from the President of the acquiring firm as he shares insights from the frontlines of M&A to help you better understand the business levers that will ultimately drive firm value.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the current state of the M&A space and observations of what NAPFA members will likely encounter with potential strategic acquirers
  2. Learn what drives value for your business and how to prepare for the sale of your business
  3. Recognize what to look for in a potential strategic acquirer to accomplish both current and future goals for your practice