William Cuthbertson (CFP®, EA, MBA)

William Cuthbertson focuses in the
following client markets or areas of practice:
- Estate & Generational Planning Issues
- Investment Advice with Ongoing Management
- Retirement Plan Investment Advice
- Retirement Planning & Distribution Rules
- Tax Planning
- Estate & Generational Planning Issues
- Investment Advice with Ongoing Management
- Retirement Plan Investment Advice
- Retirement Planning & Distribution Rules
- Tax Planning
Planning Specialties
Fiscalis Advisory focuses on providing integrative solutions to client's financial challenges using evidence-based investment strategies, highly-diversified asset allocation, and advanced planning strategies in the key areas of wealth protection, enhancement, and transfer.
Ideal clients appreciate and understand the value of retaining the collaborative expertise of a key advocate to bring rigor and coordination to their financial affairs.
Additional Information
William Cuthbertson began working in the financial planning profession in 1999, founding Fiscalis Advisory in 2003, where he serves clients in a fiduciary capacity as their principal financial guide and tax advisor.
An active leader in the profession, Mr. Cuthbertson is a member of the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP) where he has mentored new advisors, and served as Chair of the ACP Financial Technology committee. He is a past Chairman and President of OC's chapter of the Financial Planning Association, and a former member of ACP's Board of Directors.
Mr. Cuthbertson earned an honors MBA from the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology, and holds a graduate certificate in personal financial planning from the University of California at Irvine, becoming a "Board Certified" financial planner in 2002. He is also a tax specialist who has been admitted to practice before the IRS and state taxing authorities, a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor, and a Registered Life Planner®, with Kinder Institute.
NAPFA Start Date
April 02, 2004