Direct Indexing and the Next Dimension in Customized Investing

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Shawn Jaberzadeh, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, will discuss the rising interest in portfolio customization and direct indexing and why advisors choose to customize with separately managed account (SMA) strategies. He will provide examples of how these solutions can achieve specific client goals and offer insight into the types of customizations available in separate accounts: starting investment strategy, tax management approach, ESG preferences, and stock and sector restrictions.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Gain insight into how financial advisors can customize portfolios using tools such as SMAs to meet client needs around tax management, ESG preferences, and stock/sector restrictions
  2. Illustrate how SMAs are designed, launched, and managed by a third-party asset manager and can be integrated into a client’s asset allocation model
  3. Learn about the different tax management options within an SMA that provide investors additional tools to address their tax management needs

This session is sponsored by Dimensional Fund Advisors.