Targeting the Rich: Liability Lawsuits and the Need for Protection

10:40 AM - 11:30 AM
In these highly uncertain times, the issue of disparities in wealth, income, and taxation has become the subject of heated debate. As the controversy continues deepens and proliferates, any high net worth families are concerned this environment is heightening the risk they will be the target of a high-stakes liability lawsuit. Aside from the financial impact, high net worth individuals fear the stress of protracted legal proceedings and risk damage to their reputations and ability to earn an income.

People of means frequently fail to realize that many aspects of their lifestyle can lead to a costly lawsuit. They also tend to underestimate the potential cost of a liability lawsuit and misunderstand the affordability of effective protection. This course explores the exposures of high net worth individuals and presents a five-step plan for reducing the risk posed by liability lawsuits and the importance of building a comprehensive program for liability protection.

The major themes of the course are:

  • The growing concern among high net worth individuals that they will be targeted in a liability lawsuit.

  • The legal inequities that can directly impact high net worth individuals named in liability lawsuits.

  • The true degree of risk and the potential amount of damages that can ensue from a liability lawsuit.

  • The basics of umbrella insurance and the affordability of protection.

  • The five steps needed to build a liability protection plan.

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