All sessions listed below are in Central Standard Time Zone (CST).
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Happy Hour
Join us for an opportunity to network, grab a drink and some hors d'oeuvres before the symposium on Wednesday. Reception held at Gleacher Center, 450 North Cityfront Plaza Dr, Chicago, 500 Lounge
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Gleacher Center
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Ill 60611
Classroom 400
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Market Stategist
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Fixed Income Stategist
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
The Four Phases of Retirement: Beyond Dollars and Cents
Despite common belief, retirement takes more than financial planning. And while your clients may be financially ready to spend up to 1/3 of their lives, perhaps 30 years or so in retirement, they must also prepare psychologically for the changes and challenges that almost always accompany it. In this session Dr. Moynes will outline the following topics: The Four Phases of Retirement, The Five Unavoidable Losses, The Three D’s, and The Keys to Reaching Phase Four.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how to identify The Four Phases of Retirement
- Learn how they can help clients address the psychological changes and challenges that almost always accompany retirement
- Understand how they can help clients reach Phase Four---the most meaningful and satisfying Phase
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Raising the Standard for Retirement Advice
Mike Kurz, CFP®️, CIMA®️, CPWA®️, RMA®️, CAIA
Attend this intriguing session focused on retirement income planning that begins with an assessment on the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to raise the standard for retirement advice. Attendees will begin the session by digging into the retirement advice landscape, client retirement mindset and behavior, then move through how to prepare for a client’s life in transition with potential life shocks all while tackling key retirement planning decisions that get memorialized in a Retirement Policy Statements.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain knowledge, skills, and abilities for delivering retirement advice
- Discover tools to assess retirement readiness and calculate retirement funding ratios live in the session with a financial calculator example (bring your financial calculator or download the phone app)
- Learn to work through creating the Retirement Policy Statement
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
The Pipeline, The Marketing Funnel, and The Prospect-Client Lifecycle
Whether you are a team of one or part of a larger RIA, everyone has goals. You wouldn't recommend the “winging it” strategy to your clients, and it's certainly not one you want to rely on to achieve your professional goals. Instead, understanding your pipeline in honest relation to a marketing funnel and consistently implementing the tactics that drive you forward will empower you to realize the practice you’ve always wanted.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how the four stages of the marketing funnel inform a cohesive, actionable marketing plan
- Learn how various marketing tactics support specific stages of the marketing funnel
- Understand how to maximize marketing dollars and efforts with consistent activities to achieve their goals
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Serving Business Owners: Applying CFO Strategies to Deliver High-Impact Results
In this session, explore how financial planners can seamlessly apply CFO strategies alongside their personal financial planning expertise to serve business owner clients, offering valuable solutions to their recurring challenges. Attendees will discover the opportunity that exists working with this often-underserved demographic and why financial planners are uniquely positioned to address their needs. Learn how to become the trusted advisor who delivers exceptional results, bridging the gap between personal financial planning and business success.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the core skills and concepts from personal financial planning that can be directly applied to serving business owner clients
- Gain CFO strategies and problem-solving techniques to address recurring challenges faced by business owners, empowering them to provide practical and valuable solutions
- Acknowledge their role in improving financial outcomes while building deep, fulfilling relationships with their business owner clients