Holly Donaldson Financial Planning, LLC

Welcome. Our firm offers financial planning primarily on a fee-for-service, project-based, and fixed-fee basis. In our practice, we do not touch our clients' money or derive income from their investment decisions.

Following are concerns commonly shared by our clients:

1) "It bothers me that my financial life has been put together piece-meal."

2) "I'm not sure my financial professional truly understands my goals."

3) "I'm afraid I haven't planned for contingencies - what if I'm disabled or die? The choices are confusing."

4) "Do my investment and insurance choices reflect my accountant's and attorney's advice"?

5) "How much, exactly, am I paying to have my finances managed?"

6) "I thought I was getting a relationship with a financial professional, but all I got was a transaction."

7) "How much is enough for me and my family? Are we on track?"

8) "Help! I am now a trustee. Where do I start?"

9) "What if I outlive my money?" or

10) "When will I be able to relax about my finances?"

All of these are normal starting points for a conversation with a financial planner.  If you would like to schedule a complimentary phone consultation, go to: http://www.meetme.so/HollyPThomas. 

We also publish an award-winning monthly e-letter, "The View From the Porch." Subscribe here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=rk5s7ccab&p=oi&m=1101756201297&sit=u4f5mmqcb&f=66f87d76-20a1-433b-99f3-fb69fed21fe5

For more detailed information on our financial lifestyle planning philosophy, read Holly's book, The Mindful Money Mentality: How To Find Balance In Your Financial Future, available on Amazon.

Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.

Advisors at this Office

Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.

This Office

8085 Quinn Court Seminole, FL 33777 Phone: (813) 781-8040 Fax: (866) 416-2715

Primary Office

8085 Quinn Court Seminole, FL 33777 Phone: (813) 781-8040 Fax: (866) 416-2715