NAPFA Connect Spring 2020 Speaker

Jay Mooreland
Jay is a passionate advocate for progress, both personal and professional. He founded The Behavioral Finance Network which helps advisors apply behavioral finance principles to their practice and coach their clients to make better investment decisions.
Jay has created several tools to help financial advisors differentiate themselves and coach their clients to make more thoughtful, deliberate decisions. He has authored several journal articles on the topic of behavioral biases and wrote the Amazon best seller, The Emotional Investor: How Biases Influence Our Investment Decisions…and What You Can Do About It.
Jay holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance from San Jose State University and a Master of Science in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. Lab.
Jay has created several tools to help financial advisors differentiate themselves and coach their clients to make more thoughtful, deliberate decisions. He has authored several journal articles on the topic of behavioral biases and wrote the Amazon best seller, The Emotional Investor: How Biases Influence Our Investment Decisions…and What You Can Do About It.
Jay holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance from San Jose State University and a Master of Science in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. Lab.