Protecting Wealth for an Aging America

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

As a financial professional, the question isn’t “if” but “how many” of your clients will be impacted by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. This presentation, based on the Transamerica-Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab’s “A Financial Professional’s Field Guide to Financial Strategies for Those Living with Dementia,” provides the tools you need to help your clients and their families prepare for future challenges.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to identify the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other common forms of dementia and how cognitive decline impacts planning for clients.
  • Understand the estate planning implications of incapacity and the legal arrangements available to help clients accomplish their intentions.
  • Know the five key planning areas to address with aging clients and clients impacted by Alzheimer’s.

This session is sponsored by Transamerica.

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