Estate Planning with Sunset in Mind: strategies to consider and collaborating with other advisors

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Estate tax exemptions are set to sunset in 2026, and a new Presidential Administration could accelerate this timeframe. Many clients are growing concerned about estate taxes and we are seeing increased interest in wealth transfer techniques. This session will provide an overview of several estate planning strategies, best practices to educate clients on their options, and cultivating a collaborative team with other advisors on implementation.

Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will have a greater understanding of several planning techniques that may be used to offset the impact of the “sunset” of estate tax exemptions, which is scheduled to occur on 1/1/2026 under current law.
2. Participants will also gain an understanding of how these techniques were used in previous years when estate tax laws were scheduled to change, including the 2010 – 2012 time-frame.
3. Participants will also gain an understanding of strategies for developing a collaborative inter-disciplinary team of advisors to help clients understand the pros and cons of various wealth transfer options and implement strategies that make sense in each client situation.

NASBA CPE Credit: 1 NASBA Field of Study: Finance