Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Region Symposium

DATE: Monday, April 29

LOCATION: The Warwick Hotel, 220 S. 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA

To make your reservations, click here.

Room block expires on Friday, April 5.


Before March 20th

Member & Non-member: $100

After March 20th

Member & Non-member: $125

First-time Attendee: $75 with promo code (Promo code must be requested from Claire Brown)

Students: $40 with promo code (Promo code must be requested from Claire Brown)

Registration includes Pre-Symposium event (Sunday, April 28), breakfast and lunch on April 29.

Deadline to register is April 22.

For more information, please contact Susan Green.

Register Now


DATE: Sunday, April 28
TIME: 5:00 to 8:30 pm
LOCATION: The Warwick Hotel, 220 S. 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA

Diane MacPhee will provide an interactive experience centered on V+4P: Vision Feeds Planning, Process, People, & Profits (1.5 hours), followed by a networking reception with appetizers and drinks.

Speakers & Topics

  • Brett Danko - Behavioral Finance
  • Diane MacPhee - V+4P: Vision Feeds Planning, Process, People, & Profits
  • Bill McManus - 8,000 Days of Retirement
  • John Grable & Kristy Archuleta - What’s Going on With Your Clients: Insights from the Lab
  • Vanguard - Fixed Income Landscape


To register for a Simulcast, please click on the purple heading of the location you would like to register for.

Boston, MA

The Conference Center at Bentley University

175 Forest Street

LaCava Campus Center #300

Waltham, MA 02452


Member & Non-member: $60

Students: $30 with promo code (Promo code must be requested from Claire Brown)

Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the Boston Simulcast.

North New Jersey

Highland Financial Advisors, LLC

1680 Route 23. Suite 210

Wayne, NJ 07470


Member & Non-member: $50

Students: $30 with promo code (Promo code must be requested from Claire Brown)

Lunch will be provided at the North New Jersey Simulcast.


Sunday, April 28: Pre-Symposium

(At The Warwick Hotel)

5:00 - 6:30pm V+4P; Vision Feeds Planning, Process, People, & Profits

Diane MacPhee

6:30 - 7:30pm Networking Cocktail Hour

Monday, April 29: Symposium

8:00 - 8:50am Breakfast

8:50 - 9:00am Welcome and Introduction

9:00 - 10:00am 8,000 Days of Retirement

Bill McManus

10:00 - 10:10am Break

10:10 - 12:35pm Behavioral Finance

Brett Danko

12:35 - 1:20pm Lunch

1:20 - 2:10pm 2 Ps: Planning and Process

Diane MacPhee

2:10 - 2:20pm Break

2:20 - 3:10pm What's Going on With Your Clients: Insights from the Lab

Kristy Archuleta & John Grable

3:10 - 4:00pm Fixed Income Landscape

Ed Saracino with Vanguard

4:00 - 4:30pm Final Thoughts and Wrap Up