2018 South Region Symposium
Join us in Atlanta, Georgia on Monday, February 12th for a full day of sessions for guidance, suggestions, and the latest information on current issues.
View the list of Symposium speakers.
Pre-Symposium - Sunday, February 11
DATE: Sunday, February 11
TIME: 6:30 – 9:30 pm
LOCATION: Hudson Grille (Midtown), 942 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309.
COST: $25 (Registration separate from symposium)
Networking, buffet dinner/apps, cash bar, and back by popular demand, a night of Improv!
Symposium - Monday, February 12
DATE: Monday, February 12, 2018
TIME: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
LOCATION: Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center
ACCOMMODATIONS: www.gatechhotel.com, clicking on the "NAPFA South Region Symposium 2018-Reservations Link". “Reservations may also be made by calling 1-800-706-2899 or 1-404-838-2100, and requesting the NAPFA South Region Symposium room block”
Deadline to book your room is January 22nd. Symposium registration deadline is February 2nd. No registrations will be taken after that date. No registrations will be taken at the door.
COST: Member = $159 / Non-Member = $179 / Student = $159 Lunch is included, (continental breakfast will be included in Atlanta only)
CEs: 5 CE credits, pending approval
DATE: Monday, February 12
TIME: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
COST: Member/Non-member = $99 / Students = $39.00
Lunch will be served
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - 900 S. Pine Island Road, Plantation, FL
Virginia Tech University - Blacksburg, VA
Texas A and M - College Station, TX
Austin, TX - DFA Headquarters
Nashville, TN - Abound Wealth Management
Charleston, SC - College of Charleston
Jacksonville, FL - Firehouse of America, LLC
Durham, NC - MDC, Inc.
Dallas, TX - Galleria Tower
To register for a simulcast, click on the location above.
Speakers and Topics
Sam Donaldson, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
John Grable, Do As I Say, Not As I Do: An Analysis of Portfolio Development Recommendations Made by Financial Advisers
David Hultstrom, Tax Strategy for Fun & Profit
Stacey Randall, Referability is a Long-Term Game, But Are You Even Playing?
Cheryl Sherrard, Is your niche getting old? Focusing your energies on the third phase of life.
Kenneth J. White - Attracting Minority Clients and Advisors